As this was the final video conference I send my tutor some questions prior to the meeting. This section includes my tutor feedback is shown below and my questions and reflection are in italics.
Formative feedback
Student: Ian Meechan
Tutor: Andrea Norrington
Degree Pathway: Photography Student number: 515528
Course Unit: Digital Image and Culture Assignment No: 6
Feedback Format: Video Date: 02/12/24
Overall feedback
Dear Ian
Thanks for the time today and it was great to see you. Answers to your questions are below.
1. I did have the intention of placing text over the images but I'm unsure which layout works best. I preferred the grid option but feel that for the viewer it doesn't explain the story. In your opinion do you think option 2 layout would work better as it explains in more detail what my assignment is about?
Option 1 – thank you for explainingFor assessment I would suggest writing a brief introduction to explain the project.
2. As well as online, I had planned to show an idea of this as an exhibit in a gallery for my ideas and research. Should I add this to my research or will this detract from the main focus of the piece.
Yes, but only if you have time
3. I understand I have to complete all exercises for the course too, but will I have to have them all in place by the 8th Dec upload date? Can I continue to upload them to the site before the 22nd Jan cutoff?
OCA Formative Feedback: Page: 1
Yes, you can – completing these would be a priority to get the completed. Invitation for assessment sent on 8th January 12pm GMTAll work needs to be uploaded by 22nd January 12pm GMTDates taken from here: https://learn.oca.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=201#section-2
4 As far as AI is concerned I type all my text first then use Grammarly to fine tune. I've always used Grammarly and have had no issues. I don't use ChatGPT or any other AI based software and I have a written guide I used for layouts e.g. Essays Critical responses etc which is my go to guide. Do you think it would be a good idea to mention this in my final submissions? When I use Grammarly the plagiarism check says I may have used AI in its reply.
Grammarly is fine. I have previously sent you the OCA AI policy
5. Once I've submitted the end of course onto the G-Drive for assessment, will I be able to start the next level or do I need to wait till the result in April?
This is something that you will need to contact Student Advice on. Sorry but tutors are not able to advise on enrolment or overall course timelines.
Student Services responded indicating that I will have to wait until I recieve my submission results before I can continue with the next unit for the course.
About assessment, please ensure that you follow the guidance for uploading the work to the folders.
Any questions at all, remember there are the drop-in sessions that Dan will be running. You can email him with questions prior to the session and he can then answer you can watch the recording.
Well done on completing the course and navigating a difficult year for you. I wish you every success for your future photography.
A6 Reflection
This unit has been quite a journey in several ways not just academically but in real life. After every unit completion I can categorically say that I've learned more about myself as much as I've learned about all the amazing creators, authors, tutor and students I've come to meet along the way. Great credit has to given to all of them as I would never have been able to complete the course without their help and support. I will go in more detail into my health issues, studies and end of course in my final reflection blog.
Assignment Schedule
